Attention Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators

Live & on-demand video coaching from an ex-TV Presenter for just $8.00 a-month inside...

Access a simple framework to efficiently self-produce your own brand-enhancing videos without taking take after take. Tips on how to present authentically, with authority & engaging energy. Plus content to help you conquer insecurities about getting in front of a camera.

If you want to enjoy a wildly successful digital business there's one tool that can help you achieve that dream faster than any other -- VIDEO!

What People Have Said About the Course Content that's in the Club

What's in the Video Secrets: $8.00 a-month Club?
  • The same recorded trainings my High-Ticket 1:1 clients have access to.
  • A members-only Club inside a private Facebook Group,
  • PLUS 2 Live coaching sessions every month so you can get feedback to maximize your transformation.
  • Message creation blueprints, so you can confidently create messages & be confident that you can present them without getting lost in waffles & rambling.
  • Rinse & repeat (tech-phobia-free) process for setting-up & recording or going Live.
  • Foundational techniques for producing videos and presenting in front of a camera. (think backgrounds, framing-up your shot, tech-free lighting & audio)
  • Mindset training to conquer the negative chatter in your head.
  • Guidance on the simplest Editing apps and how to use them
  • Support and Q&A inside a private Facebook community.
  • PLUS: A Quick-Start mini-course on the foundation techniques for producing quality content & presenting as your authentic self -- with genuinely engaging energy.

All for $8.00USD per month (cancel anytime)

Meet your Coach

My name is Sue Moses -- ex-TV & FM radio presenter -- at your service:)

A few years ago, I was lying on a beach, reflecting (as you do), and realized I'd clocked up 14,000+ hours of presenting, either in front of a TV camera or a radio microphone.

So I definitely know a thing or two about what it takes to: make 'good-looking' videos, manage nerves, craft succinct messages (that resonate), be real (not act) in front of a camera, & connect with an audience through a lens.

I also have a Masters in Communications, specializing in interpersonal communication.

As a Video Coach, I use those experiences to empower folks to get over any blocks that hold them back; so they can show up in front of a camera, make videos that will help them stand out online, & succeed on their terms -- with no icky feelings.

More Comments on the Course Content that's in the Club

Who is the Video Secrets: $8.00 a-month Club Good for?
  • Coaches & consultants with mindset issues (camera-shy, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, lack of confidence, too much self-consciousness) that are holding them back from making videos or going live.
  • Coaches & consultants who are already in a High-Ticket program but want to access video & presenting training too but don't have the budget for another High-Ticket investment right now.
  • Coaches & consultants who are concerned that the videos they're making may be harming their personal brand, not enhancing it.
  • Coaches & consultants who are overwhelmed with the time it takes to make videos they're even part way happy with.
  • Coaches & consultants who want to improve the quality of their video presentations & production.
  • Coaches & consultants who want to fast-track learning their video skills rather than faff around trying to figure it out themselves.
  • Anyone who has a dream of creating a video course or program.
  • Anyone who enjoys laughing while they learn new skills & connect with others through shared journeys of personal growth.
  • Coaches & Consultants who want to try out my methods before upgrading to a higher-priced offer.
  • Coaches & consultants who'd like to increase their fees or make more sales with less selling.

I put this Club together because times are tough and I wanted to provide an opportunity

(for those on a budget and motivation) to get better at video.

Who is NOT a fit for the Video Secrets: $8.00 a-month Club?
  • Anyone who thinks that just buying a course & watching the content will get them results.
  • Anyone who is 'too busy' to jump into the private group and make videos to implement the training.
  • Anyone who is NOT prepared to step out of their comfort zone in pursuit of their dreams.
  • Anyone who takes themselves too seriously.
  • Anyone who is not 'coachable' -- open to guidance.
  • What is the length of the program? How long is a piece of can stay in the $8.00 a-month Club and receive support with making your videos awesome for as long as your subscription is current. You'll also receive instant lifetime access to the Video Confidence Crash Course content, (which takes about 30 minutes to watch) & covers the fundamentals steps for producing good-looking video .
  • How much time will I need to commit to the program? There's the pre-recorded content mentioned above, plus a library of categorized videos inside the Club which you can watch when and as it suits your needs. This content will be updated & added to regularly. All content is fluff-free, no filler & high-value -- you just watch what & when you have a need for. The live trainings (Q&A + video review sessions) are roughly an hour, maybe longer depending on the number of questions. A minimum of 60 minutes, over a week, making video content will embed the techniques and skills you need. Of course, if you want to go for it & squeeze the most value in the least amount of time then -- go for it! If you make videos, I'm going to watch them! Soooooo... call it a minimum of 1 hour a week.
  • Is there a guarantee of success? Hey, there are no guarantees in life -- especially not for $8.00 a-month. BUT... if you watch the Video Confidence Crash Course, the videos in the Guides, follow my processes, show up for the bi-monthly Q&A calls, implement feedback, & keep making videos; I'm sure you'll be so thrilled with the transformation you experience that a guarantee is the last thing you'll be thinking about.
  • Can I get private 1-on-1 coaching? The private group is a wonderful place to network and receive encouragement from other folks working in the online space, & get support from me. If you want to speed up your transformational results some 1-on-1 coaching will definitely help, & I offer a discounted rate for $8.00-Club members of $100.00 USD for 30 minutes (the usual fee is $300 for 60 minutes).

"Its not possible to have a successful online business without video -- and if you do it well, you'll make more sales with less selling."